Money Mastery Workshops
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Sir Richard Branson Plays
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game
Billionaire Sir Richard Branson—entrepreneur, adventurer, philanthropist, founder of Virgin Music, Virgin Airlines, and Virgin Unite (an organization that tackles global problems in an entrepreneurial way)—plays IMPACT The Money Mastery Game at Cathy Cunningham’s IMPACT workshop in Richmond, Virginia.
But he didn’t win!
Sir Richard did, however, praise Cathy, the game’s inventor, on the brilliant reality-based concept of the game—showing players through real-life, hands-on circumstances, not just how to deal with money and life’s bumps and occasional bits of good fortune, but why.
So . . . who won the game?
Play Your Way to Wealth!
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® is a dynamic, interactive game in the growing field of edutainment.
In a simulation of real life, players engage in scenarios of making, investing, growing and protecting money, while also experiencing success principles on life, work and money.
Fun for everyone from novice to knowledgable.
It is a fun way to accelerate years of learning in a just a few hours of playing!
Learn how to have positive, more powerful money conversations.
Learn ways to WIN and thrive in ANY circumstance or economy!
Save yourself future time, pain and money now!
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® is a perpetual game that allows players to increase net worth and build wealth from game to game. Players discover their money habits, attitudes, knowledge and understanding of money and their true level of risk-taking and overall approach to finances.

Just a few of over 400 unique game card scenarios…
So why a game?
First, it’s just fun! Second, it is like a simulation.
Simulations have long been an effective method of learning. When teaching support for occupations such as fire fighters, police, medical and military professions, simulation is a necessary component in the learning cycle. Imagine what might have happened to the airplane full of passengers had Captain Scully not practiced landing in an emergency through hundreds of hours of simulation. Because of the life-like scenarios he experienced this way, he safely landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson river and all 155 passengers survived. So you see, simulation works.
What has been discovered is that information can be more quickly taught using simulation, as a way to train through repetition. It has been proven that through simulation methods there is substantial improvement of knowledge gained and better retention of information.
The Cone of Learning explains this best:

By playing IMPACT The Money Mastery Game, a game that simulates possible real life scenarios, a player can experience the outcome of financial decisions in a safe learning environment.
Through the game, a player can practice making decisions, thereby developing new levels of knowledge and understanding.
Ultimately this can save a player loss of real money, as well as time and pain; or teach them how to make their money grow and build wealth.
And it’s a heck of a lot of fun!
Pick a card and flip it over for a real-life situation…
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