Why become an
Certified IMPACT Facilitator?
This game makes prospecting easy — especially if you hate prospecting!
If you have any kind of business that needs customers, this game is fantastic for prospecting — especially if you feel a sense of lacking in any of these social factors that prospecting is frequently driven by:
Warm market and contact pool
Ability to network and/or cold call
Communication skills
People skills
Playing the game is not dependent on those skills and easily overcomes those potential “obstacles” because…
Easy to invite people to a “social” event
It is FUN!
If you are in the financial industry:
this is fantastic for prospecting! 3 out of 4 players surveyed following a game play indicated they would like a COMPLIMENTARY financial review. If ever financial professionals needed a way to quickly build trust, this is it. When you invite people to get increase their knowledge and skills about money, it creates a sense of partnership in making financial decisions because you chose to empower the prospect (or existing client) with knowledge.
If you have a team building business:
the game helps players get past mental blocks they have around money, inducing them to be more open to receiving money. Good for existing team members; good for prospecting. Playing IMPACT is a fantastic team building/bonding experience! You will learn a LOT about your team/co-workers/friends/family and they about each other, as they play IMPACT™.
If you are a coach:
the game helps players get past mental blocks they have around money, belief and behavior patterns, and so much more.
A few more reasons to become a Certified IMPACT Facilitator:
Meeting people through game playing builds relationships, which creates trust. People typically do business with people they like and trust.
Earn ambassador commissions!
Earn money on personally referred Certified Facilitators!
Why talk about it when you can do it?
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game simulates potential real life scenarios where people can experience the outcome of their financial decisions and strategies in a “pretend” scenario, rather than in their real life. What could take years of life to learn, is experienced in a few short—and fun—hours.
About the Cone of Learning: Edgar Dale was an American educator who developed the Cone of Experience, also known as the Learning Pyramid. He made several contributions to audio and visual instruction, including a methodology for analyzing the content of motion pictures. Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they “do” as opposed to what is “heard”, “read” or “observed”. His research led to the development of the Cone of Experience. Today, this “learning by doing” has become known as “experiential learning” or “action learning.” It reveals that “action-learning” techniques result in up to 90% retention. People learn best when they use perceptual learning styles. Perceptual learning styles are sensory based. The more sensory channels possible in interacting with a resource, the better chance that many students can learn from it. According to Dale, instructors and coaches should design instructional activities that build upon more real-life experiences.
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game simulates potential real life scenarios where people can experience the outcome of their financial decisions and strategies in a “pretend” scenario, rather than in their real life. What could take years of life to learn, is experienced in a few short — and fun — hours.
By playing IMPACT The Money Mastery Game, a game that simulates possible real life scenarios, a player can experience the outcome of financial decisions in a safe learning environment.
Through the game, a player can practice making decisions, thereby developing new levels of knowledge and understanding.
Ultimately this can save a player loss of real money, as well as time and pain; or teach them how to make their money grow and build wealth.
And it’s a heck of a lot of fun!
Don’t just talk about it…experience it!
Comments from attendees playing IMPACT The Money Mastery Game
Why a Game for Financial Professionals?
FINANCIAL STRESS is the #1 stress for Americans
Fun & Laughter are HUGE stress relievers!
Here’s where problem meets solution through financial edutainment—and where IMPACT Money Mastery Certification offers tremendous opportunity to engage your prospects in a truly fun way of learning. What’s more, when your clients’ friends comment on their new stress-free attitude, you will get all the credit . . . and more clients.
Games are…
Empowers immediate positive action
Promotes positive money behaviors and attitudes
A super fun way of EXPERIENTIAL learning of financial concepts
Certified IMPACT Facilitator
Tools & Training Package
Nothing ensures success like being empowered with the proper tools and knowledge. The IMPACT Certification program provides that in abundance: comprehensive training sessions and personalized support, plus a complete set of top quality tools, materials and merchandise. Everything is created to the highest professional standards to make an IMPACT on your prospects, players, and everyone’s ongoing success. Through years of facilitating game plays and coaching individuals, we’ve included the best of the best of proven materials to empower your success in achieving goals, building prosperity and having fun!
Tools & materials kit includes:
6 ITMMG games for workshops
Calculators, Pencils, Erasers, Sets of Score Sheets—extras for each player for 6 games
50 copies of Your Guide To Great Money™
Promotional brochures
Game Instructions display boards—3 giant size
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® tabletop signage
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® banner
IMPACT name badge
IMPACT logo shirt
IMPACT logo mousepad
IMPACT logo clipboard
IMPACT eye-catching round business cards—500 personalized
Order forms
Post-game surveys
Virtual Game equipment package
Personalized IMPACT email address
IMPACT direct phone extension and voicemail
Opportunity to earn commissions on IMPACT products and services
The training side of the Certification includes:
2 Virtual Training sessions
3-Day Live Training covers:
Promoting and marketing events
Event setup and sponsorships
Presentation skills
How to be a Master Facilitator
- Handling questions
- Reading people
- The Psychology of Playing
- Debriefing
- many more insights
Facilitation skills for any group activity
Financial concepts and principles
Personality types and mindset
Genuine, caring support:
Personal Business Strategy Session
Ongoing training & coaching
Become a Certified IMPACT Facilitator and
Play Your Way to Wealth!