Play your way to wealth!
Play your way to wealth!

Own the game that got the attention (and thumbs up) of billionaire Sir Richard Branson and his Virgin Unite charity organization.
What they never taught you in school…

Own the game that got the attention (and thumbs up) of billionaire Sir Richard Branson and his Virgin Unite charity organization.
What they don’t teach in school…
Wish you could learn how to MASTER YOUR MONEY for financial freedom and wealth?
You can – by playing a fun, fast-paced, EDUTAINMENT game!
Practice in REALISTIC SITUATIONS so you’re not taking risks (just yet) in real life.
Wish you could learn how to MASTER YOUR MONEY for financial freedom and wealth?
You can – by playing a fun, fast-paced, EDUTAINMENT game!
Practice in REALISTIC SITUATIONS so you’re not taking risks (just yet) in real life!

Wish you could learn how to MASTER YOUR MONEY for financial freedom and wealth?
You can – by playing a fun, fast-paced, EDUTAINMENT game!
Practice in REALISTIC SITUATIONS so you’re not taking risks (just yet) in real life!

Wish you could learn how to MASTER YOUR MONEY for financial freedom and wealth?
While playing a fun, fast-paced, EDUTAINMENT game?
And practice in REALISTIC SITUATIONS so you’re not taking risks (just yet) in real life?
Wish you could learn how to
for financial freedom and wealth?

You can – by playing a fun,

Practice in
so you’re not taking risks (just yet) in real life.
Order your very own game

and play your way to wealth!
Well then…
order your very own

and play your way
to wealth!
Your financal future in a Deluxe package!
Play your way to wealth!
What’s in the box?
This high quality game set includes:
⬤ 420 unique round game cards
⬤ Game board
⬤ 6 people pawns
⬤ 6 card clips
⬤ 1 dice
⬤ 12 pencils
⬤ 1 eraser
⬤ 1 calculator
⬤ 1 set of 24 unique Score sheets
⬤ Instruction Guide
⬤ A copy of
Your Guide To Great: Money©
PRIVATE ACCESS to live video tips and instructions by inventor Cathy Cunningham

How do you play?

Throw the dice, pick a card, and make a sound financial decision—or not!
Here you get to practice mastering money in a game, not in real life.
By playing IMPACT The Money Mastery Game, a game that simulates possible real life scenarios, a player can experience the outcome of financial decisions in a safe learning environment.
Through the game, a player can practice making decisions, thereby developing new levels of knowledge and understanding.
Ultimately this can save a player loss of real money, as well as time and pain; or teach them how to make their money grow and build wealth.
Play your way to wealth!
Play online

Play IMPACT online in a virtual “game room” with other players, live!
Play with others online, both beginner and experienced. Each game is facilitated and players are free to come and go at will. You don’t need to own your own game, but it sure makes it extra fun. What’s more, playing Virtual IMPACT The Money Mastery Game is absolutely free!
See Upcoming Game Play Dates
Click “EVENTS” link at top
Play your way to wealth!
I gained a better understanding of money and financial concepts. The biggest realization for me was how much I’ve avoided knowing about money. This information has helped me to understand the importance of being financially literate before making big financial commitments.
—Megha Bradley, Nashville
Your Guide to Great Money™ and IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® are an excellent way to learn about basic finances as well as more advanced concepts. And playing the game is a heck of a lot of fun!
—James A. Lawhon, Atlanta
Your Guide to Great Money™ helped me realize that every penny counts, and that I have a choice to manage my money instead of letting my money manage me. I felt extremely empowered after the first time I played IMPACT The Money Mastery Game and now, every time I play, I feel even in more control of my financial future.
—Stephanie, Atlanta
I can play IMPACT The Money Mastery Game for 3 hours and get 5 years of experience.
—Glenn Bravy, Portland
I gained a better understanding of money and financial concepts. The biggest realization for me was how much I’ve avoided knowing about money. This information has helped me to understand the importance of being financially literate before making big financial commitments.
—Megha Bradley, Nashville
Your Guide to Great Money™ and IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® are an excellent way to learn about basic finances as well as more advanced concepts. And playing the game is a heck of a lot of fun!
—James A. Lawhon, Atlanta
Your Guide to Great Money™ helped me realize that every penny counts, and that I have a choice to manage my money instead of letting my money manage me. I felt extremely empowered after the first time I played IMPACT The Money Mastery Game and now, every time I play, I feel even in more control of my financial future.
—Stephanie, Atlanta
I can play IMPACT The Money Mastery Game for 3 hours and get 5 years of experience.
—Glenn Bravy, Portland
Questions? Answers!
What makes IMPACT different from a game like Monopoly?
While many of us got our first “experience” with money playing Monopoly, it is far from being anything like “real life.” And it does not teach any basic financial concepts and foundational principles about money. IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® picks up where Monopoly left off, in many ways. IMPACT is based on real life scenarios. It allows players to learn those foundational concepts. It also gives players a chance to try their hand at all kinds of investments, such as real estate (like Monopoly), stocks, multiple business models, commodities, precious metals, collectibles, and more. Players get to invest in things they’ve maybe been curious about but didn’t want to take a risk with their real life money. Some players discover they really like investing in stocks, or maybe real estate, or sometimes get the chance to try entrepreneurship with various business types. IMPACT is a simulation of real life scenarios, creating the opportunity to mentally and emotionally experience various scenarios with money. Mastery comes from experience, but that experience can happen in a pretend environment – much like pilots learn to fly and handle crisis flight situations in a simulator first.
Is this like Cash Flow?
Robert Kiyosaki made a huge impact with is Cash Flow board game and continues to to this day. I have huge respect for him. But I felt Cash Flow, while a great game, starts with the assumption that people are already somewhat knowledgeable, with a foundational understanding of financial concepts and principles.
When I had the inspiration to invent IMPACT, I’d had a decade of experience in sitting down with numerous people in my financial services practice, I met with so many people who did not have that knowledge AT ALL. Many had attempted investing in real estate, or stocks, without knowledge or experience, but excitement, and lost a LOT of money simply because they were missing the foundational knowledge. Imagine trying to drive a car without knowing the difference between the brake and accelerator. And, yet, people do this EVERY DAY with their money. Licensed in the financial industry since January 2004, I’ve continued to see the same things year after year.
In my opinion, Cash Flow starts with the assumption that players have taken driver’s ed, and many haven’t. I wanted to create the game for people to learn, and experience that FIRST. I guess you could say, IMPACT is the game you should play before Cash Flow. 😉
I want people to have a fun, non-stressful way to gain experience and knowledge with money. It doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming! Game after game, I watch as players start with the idea that they aren’t good with money, or overwhelmed, intimidated, unsure about how to invest, and by the end of playing for the first couple of hours, they discover their skills and confidence around money! The next game play is ALWAYS different for EVERY player.
What is the youngest age that can play IMPACT?
While IMPACT is an adult game, designed for older teens and up, IMPACT can be played with younger players, with adults playing with them. Much of the “learning” content is geared towards adult topics, kids have a blast with the game part of the game. As long as older players are availble to assist with the calculations and financial choices, kids will enjoy playing. In fact, it can be a great confidence builder for younger players. Ultimately, IMPACT is a strategy game, and can be competitive and FUN. If your kids play Monopoly, they will have fun with IMPACT.
Can anybody play?
See above.
How long does it take to play?
IMPACT does not have a “finish line,” so players decide how long to play, or when to stop. Remember all the times you played Monopoly and left the board out, with all your play money tucked under the edge of the board, and all of your properties lined up, ready to pick up where you left off the next day, or next time you played? With IMPACT, you can stop whenever, the keep your scoresheet, put away the board and cards, but still pick up where you left off, with your scoresheet. You can play with the same scoresheet you start with for as many games as you choose. 10 game, 15, 20, more? Yes. Watch your money grow as you accumulate various assets, learning new concepts along the way. Yes, you CAN Play Your Way To Wealth with IMPACT!
What will I learn?
So much!
I think I am knowledgeable about money, so why would I want to play IMPACT?
Mastery comes from experience, not just knowledge. IMPACT is also designed for the intellectual knowledge of money and financial principles, as well another aspect that greatly affects many people – the beliefs and mindsets around money (some conscious, many are subconscious and unconscious thoughts and beliefs).
How many players per game?
The physical board game is for up to 6 players. You can play with only 2 people, but the power of the game is better with 4 – 6 players. See below for the answer to this question when we host virtual online game plays.
What type of person should play IMPACT?
Everyone! But really, the players that benefit most are people who want to be better with money, want to learn more, gain some experience without real life loss and risk. It’s for people who want to educate and empower others about money. It’s for those who want to empower themselves, or others, with many skills that are strengthened when playing IMPACT. It’s for those who want to be more financially savvy, confident. It’s for anyone who likes to have fun, connect, and loves board games.
FAQs about playing VIRTUAL IMPACT online
How is the game played online?
First, you don’t have to wear a mask! Presently, we are using Zoom for playing IMPACT in a virtual “game room.”
What does it cost to play?
There is no cost to play virtually! This is a great way to learn the game and make new friends. You don’t even need an actual game set, but it does make it more fun.
Do you have to have a computer to play virtually?
Yes, a laptop or desktop is perfect. A tablet works just fine too, but a smartphone screen is a bit too small to see all that’s going on in this exciting game.
How do I join a virtual online game play?
You register 24 hours in advance of the game time through Zoom to secure your spot in the virtual game.
How long does it take to play?
With virtual playing, we have 90 minutes of playing, preceded by 15 minutes for set up, and 15 minutes for recap at the end, for a total of 2 hours. Many times, players choose to stay on longer to play more, or chat with the group of players.
How many players per game?
With the virtual game plays, there is currently a limit of a maximum of 12 players. This allows for the most interaction amongst players and facilitator, for the best player experience.
If I purchase a game, can I still play in a virtual game?
Yes! There will be virtual game times specifically for game owners to play together. Join in on Zoom, with your game set up to play. You roll your own dice, move your own token, draw your own cards (instead of the Facilitator doing those things for you in the virtual game set up).
How many times can I play the virtual game?
As many times as you want. Every game is different, depending on the other people playing, and the cards that get drawn by a player. Every game will have new experiences and lessons. IMPACT is a perpetual game, designed to be played repeatedly, allowing players to grow their knowledge, their game money, accumulate assets, increase their Financial Wisdom, and “practice” investing without the pain of real-life loss. With IMPACT, you get to Play Your Way To Wealth!
FAQs about playing and winning
How do you win the game?
The game ends when players are ready to stop, or at the end of a pre-determined amount of time (ex: 2 hours). The winner is the player with the most FWPs in that game.
What if I can’t play the entire time, or have to step away for a few minutes?
IMPACT was designed to allow players to step away and the other players to continue taking turns. Most (all) games require players to wait to take a turn until a missing player has taken theirs. Since IMPACT doesn’t have a Finish line, and each player is responsible for tracking their number of turns taken (tracked on the score sheet border), and when it’s time to calculate Payday, there’s no need to wait on a missing player to return.
When I had the inspiration to invent IMPACT, I’d had a decade of experience in sitting down with numerous people in my financial services practice, I met with so many people who did not have that knowledge AT ALL. Many had attempted investing in real estate, or stocks, without knowledge or experience, but excitement, and lost a LOT of money simply because they were missing the foundational knowledge. Imagine trying to drive a car without knowing the difference between the brake and accelerator. And, yet, people do this EVERY DAY with their money. Licensed in the financial industry since January 2004, I’ve continued to see the same things year after year.
In my opinion, Cash Flow starts with the assumption that players have taken driver’s ed, and many haven’t. I wanted to create the game for people to learn, and experience that FIRST. I guess you could say, IMPACT is the game you should play before Cash Flow. 😉
I want people to have a fun, non-stressful way to gain experience and knowledge with money. It doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming! Game after game, I watch as players start with the idea that they aren’t good with money, or overwhelmed, intimidated, unsure about how to invest, and by the end of playing for the first couple of hours, they discover their skills and confidence around money! The next game play is ALWAYS different for EVERY player.
Can a team play together as a group?
Sure. Of course, that makes it a completely different game experience. It is not recommended. If you want to play with multiple players (more than 6 – the number of game tokens), then you can “stack” players on tokens. Send an email for instructions on how to play with “stacking.” Or purchase more game sets. 😉
Where do I put my money to start the game?
All players begin the game with “Starting Funds,” to be distributed between designated accounts on the Score Sheet – FIN account, Reserve Fund account, Debt Balance, and/or Miscellaneous accounts that each player designates/names. Each player decides at the start of the game what to do with the Starting Funds. It is the first financial decision in the game.
What happens if I run out of money during the game?
You continue playing. If you run out money in real life, what do you do? Many cards award money, so if a player runs out, it doesn’t take them out of the game – like in life. You keep going until something changes.
Can I make joint investments with other players?
In the Beginner phase of the game, which typically is many games played, players cannot make joint investments – unless the card specifically states to include other players. The Advanced level of the game does allow for joint investments, as explained in the game’s Instruction Guide.
Should I pay off all my debt first?
It is a personal choice for each player.
How do I know if the card I draw is a good investment?
The first consideration, with many card offerings, is if the player has enough money in their score sheet accounts to be able to make the investment. Otherwise, a player should consider the risk of some investments, or the net income of others (cash flow – expenses = net income). Most of the time, if the player has available funds, the “good” investment is a player preference.
I have erased holes in my scoresheet. What now?
You can download a pdf to print out as many scoresheets as you need.
They played, then raved!
Ready to master your money?

Contact Cathy Cunningham
IMPACT Edutainment LLC
Copyright 2023 IMPACT The Money Mastery Game. All rights reserved.