Mastering Money with a Game
Mastering Money with a Game

What does money mean to you?
How do you feel about money?
What do you think about money?
Is it your friend or enemy?
We all have beliefs, habits and attitudes around money. Starting in childhood, we are influenced by important people in our lives—family, teachers, church leaders, other authority figures. We develop positive, negative or mixed messages around money that are deeply engrained in the subconscious mind. These messages become the driving forces behind our financial outcomes today.
Take a moment to write out some things you remember hearing about money as a child.
Think hard. Did you hear “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “we can’t afford that” or “rich people are arrogant” or “money is the root of all evil” or “rich people do a lot of good things for others” or— ?
Did you write down positive or negative statements just now? Many people think “I want to be rich,” but will never get ahead financially, or stay that way if they get a lot of money, because their beliefs will sabotage them. This is why over 1/3 of big lottery winners end up bankrupt within 5 years.
It is essential for your financial success to examine your money mindset.
Let’s get started!
To begin your road to wealth, you first need a better understanding of basic principles of money. This comes from questioning your current beliefs about money and building wealth.
As you become aware, you can make shifts as necessary to improve your financial wisdom. You will leave more empowered to ask better questions concerning money, diversification, income improvement, and multiple stream strategies.

Can playing a game change your life?
Money Mastery is understanding how to earn, spend, save, manage, invest, and protect money. Being able to practice in these areas, without the real-life risk with your own money, accelerates the learning experience. When you learn these areas well, you can feel more confident in doing bigger things with your money and creating a better future for yourself and your loved ones – now and for the future; a legacy.
How can playing a game really help?
It’s an experience that will prepare you for mastering your money, in real life.
Have you ever heard comments like these from someone in your life?
- Money doesn’t grow on trees
- We can’t afford it
- Rich people are selfish, mean, greedy, unhappy (pick one)
- Money is the root of all evil
- Money doesn’t buy happiness
- It costs too much
- Save for a rainy day
- You have to work hard for money
- The rich get rich and the poor get poorer
- What do you think I am made of – money?
- You just need enough money to pay your bills and get by
When people play IMPACT, some of their deeply rooted beliefs and patterns show up in the choices they make while playing.

Why is this an important aspect of playing?
Many times we go into “default” mode with how we play “the money game” – in life and in the IMPACT game – and we can’t see our own blind spots. We can’t see the outcome of our financial choices, because in real life, it happens over time, and it is easy to point the finger at some other reason.
When playing IMPACT, the cause and effect is almost instant. Sometimes a player will realize it for themselves, but sometimes the realization comes from observing the actions or comments of another player.
Before anyone can change a pattern, habit, or belief around money (or anything), one must first have an AWARENESS of it. Playing IMPACT can help bring things into awareness for some. Awareness can lead to a shift, which can result in a whole new way of playing “the money game” for many people.
IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® can help you change your thinking and gain true Financial Wisdom™.
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