Master your money and master your life.
Frustrated living paycheck to paycheck, or with mounting debt, or not being able to do the things they want, or wondering if there will be enough to send the kids to college or to retire comfortably, many people don’t know what to do! Money Mastery Workshops and IMPACT The Money Mastery Game® will provide you with answers. You’ll examine new ideas and look at your current finances in a whole new light.
It is really so simple when you know the “rules.” And very edutaining when you learn at Money Mastery Workshops!

Cathy explains how anyone can build wealth with knowledge and experience. You get both playing IMPACT The Money Mastery Game in her fun, fast-paced, edutaining workshops.

Money Mastery Workshops are a fun and fascinating way to dig deeper into the principles and strategies about money while playing the game in a group with a facilitator and financial expert.
Although these workshops make you a better player at IMPACT The Money Mastery Game, the real benefit is showing you how to “play the money game” in real life. Each workshop focuses on one topic at a time, which are based on the six categories in the game:
Financial Wisdom Life Happens
Money Grows Business As Usual
Golden Nuggets Make A Difference
Once you join the Money Mastery group, you will receive a schedule of workshops in your area and virtual online workshops. You may participate at your convenience, as each workshop repeats. You may also attend the same workshop as often as you like. The more you learn the better you will master your money and enjoy your financial freedom.
Here is an overview of each fun and fact-filled workshop, along with the game cards that relate to each topic:

Money Mastery Workshops are a fun and fascinating way to dig deeper into the principles and strategies about money while playing the game in a group with a facilitator and financial expert.
Although these workshops make you a better player at IMPACT The Money Mastery Game, the real benefit is showing you how to “play the money game” in real life. Each workshop focuses on one topic at a time, which are based on the six categories in the game:
Financial Wisdom
Life Happens
Money Grows
Make A Difference
Golden Nuggets
Business As Usual
Once you join the Money Mastery group, you will receive a schedule of workshops in your area and virtual online workshops. You may participate at your convenience, as each workshop repeats. You may also attend the same workshop as often as you like. The more you learn the better you will master your money and enjoy your financial freedom.
Here is an overview of each fun and fact-filled workshop, along with the game cards that relate to each topic:
Financial Wisdom
Game topic includes:
Financial Fundamentals
Asset Protection
Tax Now, Later, Never Strategies
Budgeting & Planning; Debt Reduction; Credit Protection & Repair
Money and Marriage
Money Personalities
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Financial Wisdom playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”5″]
Life Happens
Game topic includes:
Coping Skills
Communication Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Personality Types
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Life Happens playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”4″]
Money Grows
Game topic includes:
Real Estate
Bonds/ CD’s
Mutual Funds
Annuities & Insurance
IRA’s, 401K’s, and other Retirement Vehicles
Tax Now, Later or Never Investment Strategies
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Money Grows playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”3″]
Make A Difference
Game topic includes:
Passion & Purpose
Investing in Others
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Make A Difference playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”6″]
Golden Nuggets
Game topic includes:
Business Skills
Leadership Skills
Personal Skills
Identifying your ideal financial growth model
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Golden Nuggets playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
Business As Usual
Game topic includes:
Types of Businesses
Starting a Business
Business Skills
Business Issues (and how to deal with them)
Business Finance
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Business As Usual playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
Financial Wisdom
Game topic includes:
Financial Fundamentals
Asset Protection
Tax Now, Later, Never Strategies
Budgeting & Planning; Debt Reduction; Credit Protection & Repair
Money and Marriage
Money Personalities
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Financial Wisdom playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
Life Happens
Game topic includes:
Coping Skills
Communication Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Personality Types
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Life Happens playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”5″]
Money Grows
Game topic includes:
Real Estate
Bonds/ CD’s
Mutual Funds
Annuities & Insurance
IRA’s, 401K’s, and other Retirement Vehicles
Tax Now, Later or Never Investment Strategies
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Money Grows playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”4″]
Make A Difference
Game topic includes:
Passion & Purpose
Investing in Others
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Make A Difference playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”3″]
Golden Nuggets
Game topic includes:
Business Skills
Leadership Skills
Personal Skills
Identifying your ideal financial growth model
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Golden Nuggets playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!
[iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”6″]
Business As Usual
Game topic includes:
Types of Business
Starting a Business
Business Skills
Business Issues (and how to deal with them)
Business Finance
Scenarios pertaining to these issues are portrayed in the game’s deck of Business As Usual playing cards like the ones shown here.
It’s your turn…pick a card!

Copyright 2023 IMPACT The Money Mastery Game. All rights reserved.